
The moment we begin to try to conceive a child, our lives change forever.  No matter what your road has been like, the reproductive journey through fertility, trying-to-conceive, conception and now pregnancy are the beginning of a truly mind- and heart-altering lifelong path into motherhood.

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Pregnancy can be a time of excitement and ease, or it can be a time of stress, discomfort, fear and trauma. 

In either case, these are the days of fantasy and preparation, and of the beginning of a fundamental identity shift.  Pregnancy is the absolute best time to begin to lay the foundation for you to step into motherhood by assembling your care team (including a specialized therapist!), working through difficulties you’ve experienced along the way, discussing fears and expectations, and putting together a solid postpartum plan to solidify your emotional wellness during this exciting yet tricky transition.


Got questions?

Are you resonating with all of this, but not sure where to start?  Send us a message and we’ll get back to you.

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